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We launched our own distilled fruit pálinka under the trade name „Dunai Hajós” at the end of 2007.



Made of the best crop of four kind of apples with unique flavour. Fragrances and flavours are bottled after wood barrel maturation..

0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%
1l v/v 40%


This pálinka was made of apricot produced in Dunavecse orchards, carrying the full flavour of a fruit-garden, the fragrance reminiscent of clove as well.

0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%
1l v/v 40%


Made of the selected tasty fruits produced in the orchards of Heves county. Owing to careful distillation the spiciness of fully ripe fruit and almond seed flavour is preserved both in fragrance and flavour with irresistible character of wood barrel maturation.

0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 50%
1l v/v 40%


This sweet-smelling pálinka made of selected fruit of „jubilee” sour-cherry produced in Dunavecse keeps the clear taste of the fruit. Making a conquest of any Ladies’ heart!

0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%
1l v/v 40%


0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 50%
1l v/v 40%

Mixed fruits

0,5 l, 50 v/v %

Williams pear

0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%


0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%


0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%


0.35l, 0.2l, 4cl v/v 45%


1l  v/v 40%

Fruit-bedded pálinka

Fruit-bedded Plum

This pálinka is made of the selected tasty fruits produced in the orchards of Heves county. Owing to careful distillation the spiciness of fully riped fruit and almond seed flavour is preserved both in fragrance and flavour with irresistible character of fruit-bedded maturation in wood barrel.

0,5 l 45 v/v %

Fruit-bedded Sour-cherry

This pálinka is made of the selected fruits of Dunavecse fruityards by directed fermentation and careful distillation. Owing to the fruit-bedded maturation this pálinka brings out the whole harmony of sour-cherry flavours.

0,5 l 45 v/v %

Fruit-bedded Peach

Similar to our sour-cherry pálinka this pálinka is also made of the selected excellent quality peach crop of Dunavecse fruityards. Owing to the fruit-bedded maturation no one could forget this pálinka’s incredible charming character of flavour and fragrance.

0,5 l 45 v/v %

Fruit-bedded Peach Williams pear

0,5 l 45 v/v %

We hope that everyone who smelled Dunai Hajós pálinka in our distillary will feel like taste them as well.

Our products won numerous awards at many inland and international distillery contests, read more about them at our Prizes page.

„Szép butella az én nevem, ha jó pálinka van bennem. Ha pálinka nincsen bennem, üres cserép az én nevem.”
Gábor Koncz  