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Hotel Magyar Király   Székesfehérvár

The newest and most antique hotel of Székesfehérvár opened its gates again. The four-star Hotel Magyar Király**** waits for it’s guests in a nearly two-hundred-year-old tarnished historic building which was renewed on the inside and outside too.
The interior designer of the house aspired to represent the contemporary style trends on a modern way. The inner environment reflects are the harmony of stone, wood, metal and glass, which create a yet very specific and elegant, still really new attendance.
The „royal” guests can choose from 79 rooms, 4 apartments, a conference hall with nearly 400 persons' capacity, a 3-part-sectionable conference room, a gilded throne room for the emphasized events, a drinkbar, a wine bar in the basement, wellness services, garage and a charming retaurant.
The variety of the conference halls, the application of the modern technology, the specialty of the gastronomy and the guest-centricity of the staff give the four-star hotel's main strenght.
We hope that soon we can welcome you as our satisfied guest.

„Székesfehérvár is the city of the kings and the Hotel Magyar Király**** is the royal hotel of the city”

"Európa Hajó" Restaurant

Weddings, conferences, product demonstrations, exhibitions, theatrical events, banquets, corporate events.

Organize whatever you want, Europe Ship’s impose halls are suitable for every event. In addition to music programs a cigar room is also available to our guests. In Casino you can try your luck, while we offer you a cocktail and a drink bar, depending on you and your guests’ needs and tastes. Need a interpreter? It’s available in Hungarian and foreign languages as our hostess service too.

We offer you not only the place and catering-service, but a huge range of event-organization services. Up to 1.000 guests can enjoy the excellent atmosphere at the same time.

The pleasant symphony of orange and blue colors gives the Europe Ship’s elegant and stylish look. In addition, light-colored flooring and ash paneling provide a truly exclusive atmosphere for our guests. We are proud of our chef, the Michelin – starred Gregor Klöter, who surprises you and your guests with new and new flavors of foreign and Hungarian specialties. Our service does its best to serve the delicious meals to your guests properly.

”Vén Hajó” Restaurant

Take a seat on the ”Vén Hajó” Restaurant which is anchored next to the Chain Bridge, and watch the beautiful panorama of the river Danube! We serve the most delicious homely and international food under the guidance of our Michelin star awarded master chef, Gregor Klöter. For young would-be-sailors we offer the “sailor's meal”, our delicious and special menu. Family events, corporate events, and gastronomic exhibitions also take place on the deck. Great company, delicious menus and the fabulous view of the Danube - do you need anything more ?
The "Vén Hajó" Restaurant anchored beside the Chain Bridge is available all year round. 

Dunai Hajós pálinkas in the „Mesterpálinkák”speciality shop

It is important for our shop to receive increasingly more opportunities the commercial distilleries, that they took up the cudgels for the favours of the customers liking the pálinka in the recent past with their own trademarks.

Please come to us, let know the superb Dunai Hajós pálinkas!

"Mesterpálinkák" speciality shop waits for you kindly!





House Of Hungarian Pálinka

If you have to list it kept hungaricums, the pálinka occur to the best-known one between the first ones with a good chance. What the pálinka means to us, that from what hungaricum, the house is about this. Everywhere...

1088 Budapest, Rákóczi street 17.
Phone/fax: +36 (1) 338 4219

House Of Hungarian Pálinka Webshop

The champion the specialist's shop of pálinkas.
Premium pálinkas the country’s best distillery!
Distributed by way of our firm fruit pálinkas-hungaricums a typical flavour world's tickets are carried onto our fruits exclusively.
Our business presents the exclusive Hungarian pálinkas on a worthy manner. Our clients in elegant and high-standard environment, our pálinkas we give it a share in a worthy qualitative service.
It is found in our supply the most considerable domestic qualitative distillates one of our distilleries.

Cím: 6724 Szeged, Teréz street 26.
Phone: 06 (62) 649-134
Fax: 06 (62) 649-135


Aranyszarvas Pension and Restaurant

On Zalakaros, the SPA can be found the Golden Deer (Aranyszarvas) Pension and Restaurant (450 m). With comfortable, well-equipped rooms, we wait for our guests in a greenbelt, panoramic environment.

Golden Deer (Aranyszarvas) Pension and Restaurant
8749 Zalakaros, Gesztenye street 3
Phone/fax: 93/340-276

"Halászcsárda" in Dunaföldvár

Tastes it carp-, catfish and our mixed fish soups dunaparti our fishermen's inn! One of the superfine Danube carp fish soups, mixed-, catfish fish soup, fish stews in the country, and other fish meals, was made of pork and turkey meat steaks.

Halászcsárda Kft.
Address: 7020 Dunaföldvár, Hősök tere (square) 25.
Phone: 75/541-080

Kaltenberg Bajor Királyi Söröző/ „Bavarian King Pub”

1092 Budapest, Kinizsi street 30-36.Tel: 1/215-97-92






CBA Shops in Budapest:

CBA Baldau Kft. /CBA Delikát Bevköz. 1028 Budapest, Hidegkúti út 167.
CBA Baldau Kft. /Új Udvar Bevköz. 1036 Budapest, Bécsi út 38-44.
CBA Extra Klasszis Kft. 1055 Budapest, Falk M. utca 28.
CBA Gourmand Kft. 1028 Hidegkúti út 167.
CBA Huszár és Társa Ker. Kft. 1075 Budapest, Rumbach Sebestyén utca 3.
CBA Remiz-Ker 99 Kft. 1193 Budapest,Üllői út 266.
CBA Remiz-Ker 99 Kft. Erzsébet Áruház 1161 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 33.
CBA-Budavár Ker. és Szolg. Kft. 1014 Budapest, Tárnok u. 22-24
CBA-D & T Invest Kft. 1193 Budapest, Üllői út 266.
CBA-Klasszis Kft. 1132 Budapest, Csanády utca 8.
CBA Lázár és Fiai Kft. 1212 Budapest, József Attila utca 16.
CBA Lázár és Fiai Kft. 1051 Budapest, Sas utca 17.
CBA Lázár és Társai Kft. 1174 Budapest, Szabad május tér 1.
CBA Tóth Imre Klasszis Csemege Kft. 1145 Budapest, Thököly út 96.
CBA Városház-Centrál Ker. Kft. 1052 Budapest, Városház utca 14.
CBA Wadi Kft. 1085 Budapest, József krt. 84.
CBA Compania Kft. Szarvas Csemege 1120 Budapest, Szarvas G. út 8/A

CBA Shops Countryside:

CBA Baldau Kft. /CBA Center 2112 Veresegyház, Budapesti út 1.
CBA Baldau Kft. /CBA Center Szada 2111 Szada,Dózsa György út hrsz:060/12

OtherShops in Budapest:

AKKER-PLUS KFT. BP. NAGYKER 1215 Budapest, Vasas utca 27.
Belgaco Kft. 1011 Budapest , Halász utca 1.
Compania Kft. 1029 Budapest, Zerind Vezér utca 29/C
Donga-94 Bt. 1097 Budapest, Vágóhíd utca 36.
Három Profit Kft. 1119 Budapest, Kondorosi út 7.
Kastély Hotel Kft. 1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 76-80.
Ulrich Trade Kft. 1054 Budapest, Bajcsy Zsilinszky út 31.
Szilágyi-Joó Kft. 1182 Budapest, Halomi út 83-97. C. 3/2.

Other Shops Countryside:

Becseiné Adorján Erika Old West Söröző 2400 Dunaújváros, Béke Krt. 38.
Birkás Pincészet Kft. 6070 Izsák, Kecskeméti út 25.
Club-7 Dunavecse Bt. 6087 Dunavecse, Fő út 23.
Corner Trade Kft. 2400 Dunaújváros, Dózsa György tér 2.
Dunakömlödi Halászcsárda 7027 Paks-Dunakömlőd, Csárda u. 1-3.
Flamos Bt. Meteor Étterem 2015 Szigetmonostor , Nagyduna sétány 83
Földvár-RUBBER Gumiipari Kft. (Élelmiszer) 7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth Lajos utca 13.
Grosso-Univers Kft. 7020 Dunaföldvár , Gyula-hegy 8.
HEZOFRAJ Kft. 6239 Császártöltés, József Attila utca 6.
Jónás és Társa Bt. 2040 Budaörs, Nádasdűlő sétány 21.
JUPE8 Kft. (Erzsébet Étterem) 7020 Dunaföldvár, Paksi utca 68.
KALO-KER Kft. 6300 Kalocs, Méhész utca 2.
Kővári György Szalki Fogadó 6086 Szalkszentmárton, Hősök tere 3.
Kritam Bt. 2120 Dunakeszi, Barátság utca 1.
Lázár és Fiai Kft.(Kecskemét Malom bevásárlóközpont) 6000 Kecskemét , Korona utca 2.
Merkel-Stílus Kft. 6087 Dunavecse, Duna utca 1.
MON-REGAL 2000 Bt. 7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth tér 885 hrsz.
Paksi Halászcsárda 7030 Paks, Fehérvári utca 6.
Papp Beáta Csepel Büfé 2344 Dömsöd, Alsó-Dunapart 29.
Parola Vendéglő 2000 Szentendre, Vasvári Pál utca
Premier Ker. és Vendlát. Ip. Szolg. Bt. 2400 Dunaújváros, Kőműves utca 3.
Pro-D 2000 Kft. 2040 Budaörs, Petőfi u. 58/a.
RÉVBÉR kft. 6320 Solt, HRSZ 0243/39
Révkapu Vendéglő 7700 Mohács, Szent Janos utca 1.
Sarki Csárda Kft. 6087 Dunavecse, Fő út 116.
Sport Café & Pizzéria 6320 Solt, Aranykulcs tér 1.
Szalma Csárda 2454 Iváncsa, M6-os út 48-as Km
TASS-KER Kft. 6098 Tass, Dózsa György utca 24.
Toponáry Csaba Tamásné Stop Élelm. 6087 Dunavecse, Hunyadi utca 7.
Tóth és Társai Kft. 6086 Szalkszentmárton, Vadas utca 2.
UNIVER COOP Zrt. 6000 Kecskemét , Kiskőrösi út 5-9.
Urr Ferenc 2100 Gödöllő, Jászovár utca 54.
Vár Pannoráma Étterem 7020 Dunaföldvár, Béke tér 12.
VINO Étterem 6070 Izsák, Dózsa György tér 4.
Vizi Fogadó 2457 Adony, 6-os út 57. km




Auchan in Budapest:

Auchan Savoya Park 1117 Budapest, Hunyadi János street 19.
Auchan Soroksár 1239 Budapest, Bevásárló street 2.
Auchan Aquincum Óbuda 1033 Budapest, Szentendrei street 115.

Auchan countryside:

Auchan Budaörs 2040 Budaörs, Sport street 2-4.
Auchan Csömör 2141 Csömör, Határ street 6.
Auchan Dunakeszi 2120 Dunakeszi, Nádas street 6.
Auchan Maglód 2234 Maglód, Eszterházy János street 1.
Auchan Pilis Solymár 2083 Solymár, Szent Flórián street 2-4.
Auchan Szigetszentmiklós 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Háros street 120.
Auchan Kecskemét 6000 Kecskemét, Dunaföldvári street 2.
Auchan Miskolc 3527 Miskolc, József Attila street 87.
Auchan Székesfehérvár 8000 Székesfehérvár, Holland alley 2.



„Clear plum, or - if it there are no plums - an apple, the essence that he should be oozing, that is good pálinka.”
Gábor Koncz  