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Hungarian Gastronomic Week in Spain



As the result of wide-ranging champing, Madrid Hotel Intercontinental accommodates between 03. 16-22. 2009. a Hungarian Gastronomic Week. In Spain was not organized since years a similar event, presenting the good of the Hungarian gastronomy.


The guests of the Week could have an insight into the Hungarian cookery through Károly Varga Károly master cook's masterpieces. The guests could choose – beside the Hungarian foods – on the drink sheet Hungarian mineral waters, wines and alcoholic drinks (bitters, pálinka, beer). On the official opening of the one-week's event and the vocational wine show – organized by the Hungarian Embassy – attend dr. Miklós Süth, the under-secretary of the Agricultural Ministry.
On the wine taster presented Maria José Huertas sommelier the wines of „Gere Pincészet” (Gere Cellary), „Tokaj Oremus” and „Tokaj Reneszánsz Egyesület” (Tokaj Renessaince Association), for Spanish journalists, distributors and for the most important hotels' and restaurants' representatives. The Hungarian gastronomic week from November 2008 (after France and China at third time) – in frames of Hungarian Economic Year in Spain – serves to enhance appearance of Hungarian foods and tourism attractiveness the in Spain.

Supporters of Hungarian Gastronomic Week: Budapest Tourism Office, Agricultural Ministry, ITD Hungary, Miniszérium of Foreign Affairs, Magyar Turizmus Rt., Malév Zrt, Pick Szeged Zrt.

The undermentioned firms helped the realisation of Gastronomic Week with a product offer:
- Gere Cellary,
- Vecse Komplex Kft. Distillery - Dunai Hajós Pálinka,
- Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt.
- Matheus Pálinkaház Kft,
- Merián Orosháza Zrt,
- Monte Nevado,
- Tokaj Oremus,
- Tokaj Reneszánsz Egyesület (Renssaince Association).

Madrid, 13. March 2009.

Embassy Of Hungarian Republic, Madrid

Source: Vendéglátás Online


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„Szép butella az én nevem, ha jó pálinka van bennem. Ha pálinka nincsen bennem, üres cserép az én nevem.”
Gábor Koncz  